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Research Funded Projects
Research Grants for Year 2016-18
Sr.No. | Title of Research Project | PI/Co-PI | Funding Agency | Amount Sanctioned |
1 | Performance and Comparative Analysis of Non-sercular Hydro dynime jurnual Bearing using various grades of oil | Prof. Shubham Rajendra Suryawanshi Prof. Harshal Ashok Chavan |
Savitribai Phule Pune University | 190000 |
2 | Corrosion of Metarllurgical Invistigation of simple & Heat treated duplex stainless steel exposed to coorosive enviorments | Prof. Amol Yograj Chaudhari. Prof. Sachin Prabhakar Kakade Prof. Dhiraj Devrao Deshmukh |
Savitribai Phule Pune University | 250000 |
3 | Performance Analysis of CI & SI Engine by magnetic ionization of fuel | Prof. Dipak Kisan Dond Prof. Dinesh Panchve |
Savitribai Phule Pune University | 190000 |
4 | Critical issues in reduction of desgin and devlopment cycle of electronic products | Prof. Rajesh Balkrishna Rehpade Prof. Amol Bhaskar Kotade |
Savitribai Phule Pune University | 240000 |
5 | Fabrication process simulation and chracterization of capacitance modulated singal electron transister for VLSI logic | Prof. Shailendra Chandrkant Vidhate | Savitribai Phule Pune University | 240000 |
6 | Smart Agriculture Using Internet of Things | Prof. Namita Rahul Kale Prof. Kirti Arun Patil |
Savitribai Phule Pune University | 140000 |
7 | Face recognation from Video streeming using face name graph matching | Prof. Ranjana Prakash Dahake Prof. Priti Shivaji Lahane |
Savitribai Phule Pune University | 82000 |
8 | A framework for capturing workload statistics and rplaying workload simulations to allow the assesment of framework improvments for various haddop sites. | Prof. Ravindra Popatrao Aher Prof. Vaibhav Dynaneshwar Dabhade |
Savitribai Phule Pune University | 48000 |
Total | 1380000 |
Research Grants for Year 2014-16
Sr.No. | Title of Research Project | PI/Co-PI | Funding Agency | Amount Sanctioned |
1 | DSP- Based optical character recognation system for devonagri characters | Prof. Vaishali Ramdas Khandve Prof. Prashant Madhukar Yawalkar |
Savitribai Phule Pune University | 145000 |
2 | Cognitive Radio networks: Group based control channel allocation | Prof. Madhuri Amol Bhalekar Prof. Madan Uttam Kharat |
Savitribai Phule Pune University | 295000 |
3 | Query optimization and execution of dynamic data items in network aggrigation environment | Prof. Puneet Eknat Patel Prof. Kalpana Vivek Metre |
Savitribai Phule Pune University | 297000 |
Total | 737000 |
Date | Event | Download |
08 To 10 August-2014 | National Conference on "INNOVATIONS AND TRENDS IN COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ~ ITCCE 2014" Organized By Department of Computer Engineering | ITCCE 2014 Quick Links |
21 & 22 March-2013 | National Conference "RTME 2013" Organized By Department of Mechanical Engineering | RTME Quick Links |
Academic Year 2013-16 | Research Project | Click Here |
Academic Year 2012-13 | ME Computer Engg. Project | ME Project List |