About NMEICT Remote center (1261)

Our college has tie up with IIT Bombay as a Remote Center since from Aug 2012.Over 5 years ago, IIT Bombay had started conducting ISTE workshops for empowering teachers of engineering colleges. This project is funded through the National Mission on Education using ICT (NME-ICT) of MHRD, to train 1,50,000 teachers . These workshops are conducted by the e-Outreach project of IIT Bombay, under the National Mission on Education through ICT. Live recording of the course and other created contents was released under Open Source through a portal.

The eOUTREACH programme creates high quality digital text, audio, video and HTML contents of educational value for knowledge dissemination. These workshops are partly funded by the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Government of India), there is no course fee for participation.

In order to run these workshops at selected remote centers, IIT Bombay invite expert faculty from various remote centers to a One Week Coordinators training workshop. These faculty members then act as Workshop Coordinators during the main training workshop to be conducted later for 10,000 teachers, during which, the Coordinators supervise the conduct of tutorials and Labs.